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Medical Astrology
Medical Astrology

A Healthy body has a healthy mind. This maxim has a universal appeal and application to it because once health is lost everything is lost. A sick mind or body can not achieve any success in any field what so ever.

Medical Astrology is a relatively unchartered and extremely specialized field by which a trained person, a doctor can look at the birth chart of a person when he or she is born and able to pin point the potential weakness or diseases or a potential weak organ of the body and forwarn the parents of the child. It is a science and a healing art, which uses the information, derived from one's astrology chart at birth (the natal chart) to ascertain that individual's state of disease and wellness. The natal chart accurately describes one's personality and one's potential internal conflicts, which can lead to imbalances. Medical Astrology is the science that analyzes how these imbalances can manifest in our physical body. When the natal chart is studied in light of present or future planetary movements (transits), Medical Astrology also provides insight into the timing of events and may give us clues as to when problems may begin, or fade off.

Very few people know that Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, and the one that medical doctors take an oath from, said that no one should call himself a doctor unless he/she was also an a astrologer; for no diagnosis could be made without the help of astrological information on the patient.

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